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Outreach Programs


Adult Enrichment & Community Advocacy Program

Life coaching and personal development programs are designed to assist economically, socially, and emotionally challenged women in getting their lives on track through life planning, goal setting, referrals and creation of support systems.


 A Community Advocacy Program is comprised of partnerships with grassroots community groups that advocate services to improve the quality of life for residents in urban neighborhoods. Community needs assessments are done, programs are developed to meet the specific needs of the targeted neighborhood, and resources are identified to support the efforts.



Youth Program Initiatives

Virtues Program (Youth ages 6-17)


Youth are exposed to cultural arts, conflict resolution,

academic enhancement. The program promotes good

health habits and physical fitness.


DAPP Team (Teen Program ages 11-17)

Drug Alcohol  Pregnancy Prevention Team


The DAPP Team is a youth intervention initiative developed to encourage civic responsibility and promote academic achievement.


Curriculum includes:

  • Health education 

  • Effective communication & Peer Management       

  • Community Service & Leadership Development

Become A Mentor

Change the life of one child , an entire family or the community.


Become a life change agent today by serving as:


An Adult Enrichment Volunteer or Mentor


A  Youth Development Volunteer or Mentor


A Community Improvement Advocate


Specialty volunteer in music, performing and visual arts, educational enrichment, lifeskills, fitness, lifestyle sports (i.e. golf, tennis, soccer, aerobics, dance and yoga).



Other Outreach Programs

The Family Mentorship and Referral Initiative endeavors to preserve families with referrals, workshops, seminars, a network of services, and volunteer mentors to assist families in our urban at-risk communities and beyond.  The goal is to provide the necessary support and prevention education that will preserve the family unit, helping them to avoid becoming  part of the foster care or CHFS systems.



Street Reach ,a weekly neighborhood outreach effort, promotes unity and positive interaction among neighbors and community partners 

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